S. Craig Stone II, J.D., CFP®

S. Craig Stone II is the principal and president of Stone Law Offices, Ltd. He has been practicing in the State of Nevada since 1993 and provides legal counsel and services to affluent clients and families in the areas of wealth transfer and preservation strategies, including general estate planning, sophisticated tax planning (federal income and estate taxes), charitable planning and planned giving, business law, including business exit planning (aka business succession planning), and domestic and international asset protection planning.

Craig’s personal practice emphasizes a “values-based approach.” He views his role as more than just an attorney, but a wealth counselor and coach helping clients to fulfill their goals and dreams by applying his technical expertise and professional knowledge to design a sound estate plan and solve the issues and concerns that come with wealth. Craig is a firm believer in building the attorney-client relationship and not just providing an attorney-client transaction. For more information about Attorney S. Craig Stone’s approach and process, see our Mission Statement and Core Values and Beliefs.